Most adoptive parents are interested in adopting twins. The interest has grown over the years, and it is now a very common request in adoptive parents. If you are interested, it is important to also plan for an increased adoption budget. Your attorney will be completing two adoptions at the same time, so court costs and all other legal fees will likely double.
Couples often don’t factor in that when adopting twins, you will need additional help in your home, extra hands and support. Many people believe adopting twins is ideal and don’t take into consideration the amount of work, time, dedication, cost and sacrifice it takes to raise two babies, the same age, at the same time. There are many resources regarding twins and parenting twins online that will be helpful if you decide to adopt twins.
In an independent or domestic adoption, the birth mother will know ahead of time whether she’s carrying twins and will choose the family for her twins. Speak to other parents of twins to get a realistic outlook on what is involved in parenting and raising twins to find out if you have the stamina and resources to be able to undertake adopting twins.
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